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‘Students achieving their full potential as active thinkers and self-motivated, life-long learners within a supportive environment’
Policies and Procedures
Punctuality and regular attendance are vital to the academic and social progress of all our students. All students must be in school by 7:15 am and attend all classes punctually. They cannot leave the school until 2:15 pm with the exception of Early Years who finish at 12.30 pm. The parents of students who arrive late on a regular basis will be invited into the school to discuss the reasons why.
Statutory requirements
It is a statutory requirement that all children in Kuwait between the ages of 5 years and 6 months to 16 years old must attend school. Parents will be asked to explain any absence and frequent absences will be reported to the Ministry of Education and may also lead to exclusion from the school for the following academic year. If student absence exceeds 15 days in one continuous absence or from several different occasions without an acceptable excuse in one term, the student files will be referred to the Ministry for Private Education.
All absence due to sickness must be supported by a doctor's medical certificate and any request for extended leave must be submitted to the class teacher in the first instance who will then speak with their line manager.
Apart from Year 11 and 12, the school does not offer study leave up to and during examinations. Absence during this period will be counted as unauthorised and parents again will be asked to explain these. In addition, frequent absence has a detrimental educational effect as teaching and assessments continues up until the end of each school term.
School Uniform
Uniform is compulsory at Cambridge English School and students who do not wear the correct full school uniform will be asked to contact their parents to bring in the correct school uniform.
Boys Girls
White shirt (school design) White shirt (school design)
Regulation trousers (school design) Regulation skirt (school design)
School waistcoat (for KG and Reception only) School tie School tie Jumper (school design)
Jumper (school design) Plain, flat, black shoes
Plain, flat, black shoes
Boys P.E. Kit Girls P.E Kit
School tee shirt School tee shirt
School P.E. shorts School P.E. bottoms
Track suit (school colours) Track suit (school colours)
Trainers Trainers