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‘Students achieving their full potential as active thinkers and self-motivated, life-long learners within a supportive environment’
Primary Curriculum Overview
Welcome to our school, a vibrant and supportive community where we celebrate every child’s uniqueness and assist them in achieving their best at every level of their learning journey. We believe a positive relationship between home and school is key to this successful journey and our experienced and caring teachers work hard to ensure our students are happy learners and excited to achieve their full potential. We also offer an extensive extra-curricular activity programme and trips throughout the year which enhance the educational experience of our children.
Our primary school is divided into two sections:​
KS1 (Years One and Two)
KS2 (Years Three, Four, Five and Six)
KS1 and KS2
From Years 1 to 6, the curriculum is set into six core subjects and five additional specialist subjects.
The core subjects are: English, Mathematics, Science, Arabic, Islamic, Kuwait Social Studies (in Years 5 and 6)
The additional specialist subjects are: Art, Music, Computing, Physical Education (PE), and French (begins in Year 3)
Additional Support
Our additional support department assists those students who struggle to access the curriculum owing to English language difficulties. Our teachers will devise strategies to assist them in achieving the levels of proficiency needed. This support could be inside or outside the classroom and this will normally be developed in conjunction with the parents.
Assessment and Reporting
Students in Key Stages One and Two have their learning checked regularly by their teachers to ensure that appropriate progress is being made. From this, individualised target setting and student tracking can be put in place, all of which combines to enhance the educational experience of your child. These assessments should not be over-stressed as children should take them in their stride.
As parents, it is important you receive regular communication about your child’s progress. In the course of the year, there will be termly Parent-Teachers’ meetings and twice yearly you will receive a written report.